2013-06-07 - Lady Bird Lake Loop

^z 9th July 2023 at 5:59pm

~10 miles @ ~9.7 min/mi

Whew! Texas-class heat and humidity hammer away during a Lady Bird Lake loop starting at sunrise. The Planet K head shop is artfully lit as I pass by on my way to park at the dam which forms the east end of the lake. I stop across the street and take photos. I'm in Austin to visit family for an extended weekend. The plane landed yesterday afternoon.

Young women in primary-color jog bras pull me along during this Friday morning run. I'm embarrassed to be caught walking. Last month the local running-supply company RunTex, bankrupt, held a final liquidation. So there are no longer free water stations at various points along the lake pathway, just city-park fountains, some of which work.

Splits are a brisk 10:48 (including a quick porta-john visit near the ballfields) + 9:29 + 9:31 + 9:32 + 10:01 + 9:15 (chasing a lady in black) + 9:20 + 9:45 + 9:21 + 9:07 (smelling the finish line) and a final fraction across the dam, stepping aside to let a bicycle pass, at 9:36 min/mi pace according to Runkeeper.

(cf. 2010-07-16 - Lady Bird Lake Loop, 2010-09-22 - Lady Bird Lake Loop, 2011-05-25 - Lady Bird Lake Loop, 2011-05-27 - Two Austin Town Lake Loops, 2011-05-29 - Last Lady Bird Lake Loop, 2012-01-14 - Lady Bird Lake Loops, 2012-01-16 - Lady Bird Lake Loop CCW, 2012-09-03 - Lady Bird Lake Loop - Austin Texas, 2012-09-05 - Double Lady Bird Lake Loop - Austin Texas, 2012-09-07 - Zig-Zag Lady Bird Lake Loop - Austin Texas, 2013-01-18 - Lady Bird Lake Loops, ...) - ^z - 2013-06-26